Frequently asked questions

1) Who are the admins?
We take advantage of the fifth admendment right, to refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it might tend to incriminate us.

2) Why do you make this?
Because it's funny.

3) I want to help you. What can I do?
Write your ideas in #cube2 channel.

4) I want to become an admin of the blog. What can I do?
Write your application in #cube2 channel.

5) I don't like one of the post / I would like something to be removed.
Contact an admin.

6) I would like that you write a news about something. Who should I ask?
Say it in #cube2 to one of the admins.

7) I made a nice meme about someone. Will you post it?
Yes, if it's funny.

8) I made a nice meme about one of the admins. Will you post it?
Yes, if it's funny.